Live for yourself. Understand what you want. You can't satisfy your needs as a person without understanding what you want to begin with. Ultimately your decision is the one that counts. Understand that. What do you do when you want to buy a car? Typically, you test drive a few and pick the one you liked most. Well if you want to be religious, where's the harm in checking out what many different religions have to offer and then deciding which direction you'd like to take your spirituality in. There is no harm in that. So before you dedicate yourself to something, ask yourself. "Do I really want this?" or "Is this really for me?" I established my opinion about religion around 8th grade, and stopped going to church. I was happy, even happier than before actually. I knew church wasn't something for me so I didn't make any attempts to go. It's pretty easy to do. Step 1: Press snooze on Sunday morning. Step 2: Sleep in. Boom, roasted. My result from the all too nosy neighborhoodlems wasn't as pleasant as the few extra hours of sleep I got were. Sometimes opinions don't mix, and in this case it was like oil and water (shout out to BP). No, my dear neighbors, I didn't start selling drugs or binge drinking, although I was pretty impressed by your theories. I was just an 8th grader who realized religion wasn't something I wanted. The fact is sometimes opinions will clash, but at least in that case you know you have one. It doesn't matter who you are, if you aren't establishing your own opinions, you may as well not even have one. Understand what you want in your life. An opinion is a powerful thing. Have some conviction and be decisive. It will help you.
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